Bill Meyer Show Podcast - Sponsored by Clouser Drilling

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Listen to the Bill Meyer Show, weekdays 6am-9am.  With National news from Fox News Radio, and local news from NBC 5.

The Bill Meyer Show 6am-9am

Join Bill Meyer each weekday for LIVE Local Talk on southern Oregon's KMED FM 106.3, 106.3 HD1, 106.7 FM in S. Jackson County and 99.3 KCMD in Grants Pass and Josephine County. Streamed on

Download 07-26-24_FRIDAY_8AM  07-26-2024 (17.68 MB)

Duration: 44:33 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.485003972903 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Open phones start, State Senate candidate Noah Robinson joins to discuss a new dam removal project. Can the Pomeroy Dam near Cave Junction be saved...big recreational area. More calls and emails of the day.


Download 07-26-24_FRIDAY_7AM  07-26-2024 (16.83 MB)

Duration: 41:21 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 56.906882591093 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Greg Robert on with the Outdoor report from Rogue Weather, D62 quiz and other open phones and commentary


Download 07-26-24_FRIDAY_6AM  07-26-2024 (19.82 MB)

Duration: 50:40 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 54.684350132626 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Morning news and commentary including a prelim talk on ranked voting...Rick Manning from AMericans for LImited Government, DC Swamp update and a talk on the race, conservatives crushed at the RNC??


Download 07-25-24_THURSDAY_8AM  07-25-2024 (21.64 MB)

Duration: 53:38 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 56.411867364747 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Ed, Mr. X, community researcher and expert on the policy solution consensus process that runs so much of Oregon. We key off the 7am talk with Michael Williams and connect the dots between the SRO reassignment and restorative justice at Med 549C schools.


Download 07-25-24_THURSDAY_7AM_2  07-25-2024 (7.8 MB)

Duration: 19:31 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.909247417609 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Michael Williams, board director of the Medford 549C school district joins the show. Big Controversy over the reassignment of a SRO officer to patrol. Concern is violent students being brought back to school, truth hidden? (I believe, restorative justice)


Download 07-25-24_THURSDAY_7AM_1  07-25-2024 (9.54 MB)

Duration: 24:31 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 54.44633764199 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Gianna Miceli, founder of Inalienable University - thought provoking take that our entire legal system is actually unlawful. Her program helps people detach from the state to an extent.


Download 07-25-24_THURSDAY_6AM  07-25-2024 (19.09 MB)

Duration: 47:36 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 56.061820840582 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • A talk on the morning news, guests coming up, restorative justice problem at Medford 549C? Dr. Carol Lieberman MD joins me later for a talk on the Biden Speech, what is her opinion on the body language?


Download 07-24-24_WEDNESDAY_8AM  07-24-2024 (18.93 MB)

Duration: 45:17 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 58.445566198975 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • I talk with Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Committee...They have a case going to the supreme court re unions...right to associate v to not associate. Interesting talk. Open phones follow.


Download 07-24-24_WEDNESDAY_7AM  07-24-2024 (19.39 MB)

Duration: 48:40 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.714183566541 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Open phones start and Sec of State candidate Sen. Dennis LInthicum joins in for a conversation on the audit power at SOS, how it can be used to reform Oregon.


Download 07-24-24_WEDNESDAY_6AM  07-24-2024 (23.42 MB)

Duration: 53:39 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 61.027096543318 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Morning news and opninion, what about the SRO issue at S. Medford HIGH? (more on that later) Eric Peters is on for yet another interesting WHEELS UP WEDNESDAY from EP AUtos.


Download 07-23-24_TUESDAY_8AM  07-23-2024 (17.18 MB)

Duration: 43:24 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.349629465767 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


Download 07-23-24_TUESDAY_7AM  07-23-2024 (20.11 MB)

Duration: 50:57 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.189797095988 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Will Lathrop, GOP candidate for Oregon Attorney General. Interesting background...good talk on how he would reform the AG office. Herman Baertschiger, Jo Co COmmission - PigPenGate and lots of other news to go over


Download 07-23-24_TUESDAY_6AM  07-23-2024 (21.37 MB)

Duration: 51:58 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 57.491830725709 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • News and open phones for Pebble In Your Shoe Tuesday...update on PigPenGate at the Jo County Fairgrounds, too.


Download 07-22-24_MONDAY_8AM  07-22-2024 (20.54 MB)

Duration: 49:48 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 57.674703295379 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Dr. Dennis Powers with Where Past Meets Present and the profile of James Collier, patron of the arts. Then, Joe is gone, now what? some emails of the day later wrap up the show.


Download 07-22-24_MONDAY_7AM  07-22-2024 (21.11 MB)

Duration: 51:32 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 57.252776419641 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Steve Dillard, City Councilman in Seaside, OR, is under recall because he is fighting for parental control over a woke Library system. Later it is good news from jackson county Commissioner Roberts - Smoke and burn policy adopted by the national county


Download 07-22-24_MONDAY_6AM  07-22-2024 (22.83 MB)

Duration: 55:08 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 57.901764238526 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Morning headlines, Joe is gone, now what? we talk about 4-H in Jo County taking out the pig pens TWO WEEKS before county fair. Reprisal for OSU fund cut? I talk about that with Jo County Commissioner John West.


Download 07-19-24_FRIDAY_8AM  07-19-2024 (22.1 MB)

Duration: 51:53 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 59.560325188209 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


Download 07-19-24_FRIDAY_7AM  07-19-2024 (19.18 MB)

Duration: 48:25 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.39538457725 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Greg Roberts from Rogue Weather with the morning Outdoor Report, some fire talk, too, and open phones follow for the rest of the hour.


Download 07-19-24_FRIDAY_6AM  07-19-2024 (22.86 MB)

Duration: 57:34 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.53022106876 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Talk on the Trump RNC speech and local news headlines, and a big DC Swamp update with Americans for Limited Governemnt president Rick Manning discussing the RNC, speech, what role might Michelle O play in easing out President Joe


Download 07-18-24_THURSDAY_8AM  07-18-2024 (17.85 MB)

Duration: 44:41 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 55.844790547798 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ


  • Kevin Starrett at Oregon Firearms Federation, we talk the new lawsuit to fight HB2005, NOT fundied by House Republicans, also talk on last Saturday. Melissa Mlasko with the JCRP is live from the RNC, we catch up on it all.
